Last week, I shared a classmate’s story about a life that I would gift. This week, our class has been reading obituaries every day, so my mind has wandered to death.
I knew I would dread this assignment. I haven’t read an obituary, even for people I know and love, since my husband died. This week, this assignment has put me back on an inner emotional roller coaster. As I read through the words, I can feel the pain of the family member who wrote the loving words. I remember the tearful stress I was under to come up with a suitable picture, with phrases, words that hinted at accomplishments and achievements made by a man I loved more than life, taken away from life, from me, from our children WAY too early.
I predictably broke down in grief again, feeling the pain the families are suffering in each day’s newspaper, grateful for the support given during their family member’s courageous fight against whatever disease took them. I felt the pain of the family whose married daughter, and loving wife, passed away suddenly, in her sleep, along with her unborn child. Her first chance to be a mother gone, a woman who had served for years helping families and kids at the city children’s hospital. The artist whose work was shown around the world who died unexpectedly in his home. How his grandchildren will miss the trips to beautiful places where grandfather would paint, fish, hike and share stories with the family around a campfire all night.
The pictures I saw – so much life, so much love for life in their eyes, so much promise toward living their dreams. It has been a rough week … and not only for me, but for all those who have suffered loss.
So what are the next steps? We weren’t told. Are we to write our own obituary? Just develop appreciation for life, and recognize how precious this gift is as a reminder to not squander it? Regardless of where our class might go, this has been a valuable week to focus on, and appreciate the gifts in my life.
I appreciate my family and friends, for the generous love of God, food on the table, my wonderful cats, for the work I have so I can contribute in some way, for the MKMMA class #masterkeyexperience and the inspiring, stellar people I’ve met through it, and throughout my life. Life is good. We just need to see it that way and mostly LIVE it that way. Give yourself permission and go for it. Wishing you the best in life!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on reading the obituaries. I appreciate your courage to revisit your old feelings.
Hugs your way.