Monstrous moments and achievements tend to be what success looks like for most people. You know, the recent trips to outer space, winning an Olympic medal regardless of its color, becoming a millionaire… the list goes on.
I’ve found that success can be more quiet, less touted, but still, in its own way, look like monstrous moments of joy and wow, like figuring out how to post a blog… like winning a video game… like asking for what you want and being given something even better!
Self-trust is the first secret of success.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
I fully believe Emerson nailed it in this quote. Self-trust is one element I find missing for most of those who don’t see what success looks like in their lives. If you don’t listen to your heart; if you focus on all the expectations other heap on you; if you say no to the things you truly desire, for whatever ridiculous excuse you make up, then you aren’t trusting yourself. The great spiritual and intellectual texts continue to encourage us all to “Ask” so you can receive. As my friend, Mark Januszewski repeats, “What do you want?” And for too many years, I also struggled with this concept.
Once you get the picture of what you want, and hold onto that vision without fail, getting there becomes effortless. Doorways open, connections appear, and as long as you trust yourself to see it through, the success you want becomes a reality. You just need the self-trust to take the steps forward.
Here’s what success looks like for real!
For me, what success looks like is enjoying the creative ways I’m keeping my business growing and helping others grow successfully. It’s serving as a master guide and coach through the Master Key Experience. It’s the time I can spend with family. It’s enjoying the health to dance. It’s the feeling of my heart opening in gratitude for the butterflies that visit my garden, or the taste of a special dish my roommate made for us. It’s anticipating, and going on, my next travel adventure. And here’s some of what I experienced on a recent travel adventure:

This is what success looks like for me: off-the-chart happiness, wrapped in joy and love, with loving family and friends, celebrating and enjoying the best life has to offer.
After being travel-restricted for more than a year, with the rest of the world, it was such a relief to be able to travel to go and see family again and to attend my cousin’s daughter’s wedding. It was a total success, in my mind. Maybe because I had previously taken family events for granted, and now I’m more grateful? Maybe because I love these people and haven’t seen them in years? Didn’t matter. When the hugs started, the love, joy and bliss began. I was hooked, lost in a world of, as my cousin describes it, a total rose-colored glasses perspective. I was witnessing love growing, just as I shared with you when my niece was married.
Do you know what success looks like?
I continue to find deep inspiration from several sources, but my friends from the Master Key Experience, who encourage me to stay true to the success formula, and keep sharing their own successes, well, that’s just pure magic for me. Take Michael Puffer, for example. Michael is also a guide in the program, and he’s launching a charity to help those with brain injuries. Then there’s Darren Davis, another guide, who, along with this sons, created the Global Heroes series to honor those who are going the extra mile for others. So many others who have finished the program and created success in their lives continue to give back, and I am honored to be one of them.
So what does success look like for you? Do you know what you want? Are you living the success formula to get it? The hands-on support, the real-life advice from people who have been there and done that is worth the price of admission (only $1, by the way)!

Join my list today so I can make sure you get a scholarship to the 2021-2022 class that launches in early September! Arm yourself with a proven toolbox and steps to go out and get exactly what you want in life. But of course, that requires full confidence and trust in yourself and in the success of the relationships and accomplishments you’ve already created. This course has already got documented evidence that it helps people improve in all these areas. Spread you wings and live a life worth loving!
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
what a fabulous blog. Thanks for sharing
A compliment from you? Wow, you just made my day, Julie. Thanks for checking it out!!
Day, thanks for explaining success. Thank you for your blog. From your blog rover friend John.
Thank you so much for checking it out, John. I appreciate you!
I really enjoyed reading this blog post Day particularly love the quote “Self Trust is the first secret of success”. I agree that I too am much more grateful for family gatherings now which I almost took for granted in the past.
Good to hear from you, Breege! How awesome to find more to be grateful for, right?
Day, wonderful post- I love the Emerson quote and the idea of all of us finding our own definition of success. Love your examples! For me, yes- I’d say even more than being just the first step, self-trust is success right there! I’ll take that on… “I’m successful when I’m trusting myself.” And, I know it leads to the other things we want in our lives as well. … MKE SOOOO helpful in helping us find that inner voice and trust it!
Thank you, Laura. Simple, but not easy, yet SOOOOO worth it!
What a great blog Day, I love it! Success!
Thanks, Arlene. Great to hear from someone who is such a success herself. I’m honored. Thanks for checking out my blog!
What a wonderful blog I identified with so much here and mahalo for sharing this really great blog!
Wow, thanks, Davene. So great to hear from one who is SO fabulous!!
Oh, Day! Beautifully written and wise. I for one KNOW TO MY CORE what it’s like not to trust yourself, but to instead trust all those voices inside starting with “People don’t like little girls who….” and following them instead of myself. Thanks for this reminder and all the proof of what happens when you trust yourself and your voice.
Speaking of wisdom, Shirley. You are THAT. Thank you so much for spending time to review my blog. You are amazing!
Shirley, thanks for sharing that… I’ve had a hard time finding, let alone trusting, my own voice for most of my life! As a little girl I wanted to please and for everyone to be happy, and so hard to hear my own voice when trying to do that! Love this and Day’s wonderful example. 🙂
Laura, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. Nothing like our Master Key Experience to move us forward and past so many limits like this.
Fantastic, I have a new pair of rose-colored glasses.
Roz, that you do! Thanks for checking out my blog.
Love that! I used to literally have a pair of rose-colored glasses. I need to get me a new pair! 😀
Haha, Laura. Don’t we all need a new pair? Or at least a good cleaning!
This is a great blog Day. Thank you so much for sharing my interview with the Global Heroes ( ) talking about and expressing my gratitude for the Master Key Experience.
Anything I can do to help someone manifest such phenomenal dreams. Thanks for being such an inspiration, Michael!