Boy, did I blow it this week! As evidenced by being late on my blog post, just for starters. I backslid big time. And how did I realize it mattered? When an awful pain started in my BACK, then SLID down into my gluteus, my hamstring, and eventually all the way down to my ankle. My psoas and gluteus medius muscles got so twisted, I could barely walk. Sitting created so much pain, I wanted to cry. Standing was about all I could manage. Even laying down was difficult. Light exercise helped ease it for awhile, so I went about my days before the Thanksgiving holiday trying to stand, walk a little, and get something, anything done. What a great excuse not to grow inwardly … and yes, I created it for myself. But how?
Well, on Tuesday, I was getting into holiday mood, slowing down, thinking to myself that I fully own these Master Key concepts. I can slack off on the exercises, watch some TV to relax with the family. Thursday’s a holiday, I can wait until afterward to write my blog. Besides, I don’t know what to write about anyway. I already know what’s on my “movie poster”, and I’ve already read the material several times this week. And with Thanksgiving preparation, and this ridiculous pain, there’s no way I can manage a sit.
By the end of Thanksgiving, I could barely move, and all the driving, shopping, cooking, and other activities were more of an excuse not to focus on my Master Key work, as was the pain. On Friday, I decided I needed to get on the ball, but I couldn’t get out of bed — the muscles were so tightly locked, I couldn’t move. So I grabbed Og from my bedside table and dug in, this time out loud – in the morning. Hmmm, my legs loosened up enough to get out bed. Index cards next. Okay, now I can manage to get downstairs. DMP out loud — got the strength to call my physical therapist and beg for a session on holiday Friday. Thank the universe she consented. While waiting for the appointment, did my read, did my sit (on a bag of ice), logged on to the site and checked in on the alliances … okay, feeling like I can drive to the appointment now. Is this pain all just in my head? Well, of course it was!
While I was undergoing treatment, the dear woman had climbed up on the table to put her full weight and force into manipulating the severely twisted muscles. I tried thinking back to answer her questions. What else was going on — had I over-exerted myself? No. Bent the wrong way doing a task? Not that I remember. “You’re going through this major transition, Day, think the stress may have something to do with it?”
She nailed it. My true transition was the internal transition I was working on, but as I slowed down on my Master Key transition, the miracles slowed, my energy slowed, and obviously, the progress I was making with my subconscious had slowed considerably. Perhaps this was my new blueprint letting me know that it didn’t appreciate the lack of care, it needed attention and it needed it NOW!
In that very moment of realization, my attention got refocused. I started repeating to myself, “I always keep my promises. I greet this day with love in my heart. I do it now. I can be what I will to be.” I felt tears well up in my eyes. “Am I hurting you?” she asked. “No, just go for it, please. I need this fixed as soon as possible.”
The conversation then turned to one of sharing and caring for each other. I began to open my heart to this woman and her needs. How could I start giving back to say THANKS for this wonderful revelation, for a deeper understanding, as well as the release of pain? What could I possibly give her to show my appreciation, beyond the standard fee? Just as I was thinking the question, she began telling me how her business was getting into trouble and how she needed help organizing and managing parts of her business so she could fit in more patients, instead of working on marketing and administration of her business.
“Hey, I can help with that,” I told her. “That’s right, I know you can,” she said. “You help businesses improve their processes. I don’t know why I didn’t think to talk to you about this earlier. What do you think?”
Here comes another of those delicious miracles. “Yes, I can help. And if you can’t pay me right away, that’s fine. We’ll work something out. Either a certain percentage of the business I increase for you, or barter for a monthly treatment at no cost, or we’ll figure out something.”
“Absolutely!” And just like that, another client is lined up on my journey from employed through unemployed to self-employed! So I may be late, but here’s my blog posting, and all my reads, my sits, my cards, everything is caught back up.
And physically? I’m sitting here at almost midnight, full of energy after five hours of volunteering – standing the entire time; got tons of work, housework, errands, and homework done today across 10 hours of new mobility; pain is only at about 20% of where it was yesterday, and decreasing. Welcome, miracles. I missed you. Subby, let’s don’t do this again. As my MasterMind partner suggested, perhaps my subconscious and I can come to agree that needs can be addressed gently as we go through this change.
Wishing you a gentle transition! And days full of love and thanksgiving!
Overcoming adversity and inner awareness. It’s a part of the #MasterKeyExperience and there is #NothingLikeIt. Thank you for sharing your journey!
Wow! How crazy you had such a severe physical reaction. I hope you are feeling better!
Wow thank you for your story of courage and truth telling, to us and yourself. I had a similar situation today and spent 2 hours at the acupuncturist. I found I was disconnected from my heart to avoid some lingering fear. Still clearing old blueprint. And grateful I have the tools to keep moving forward. I jumped into the affirmations besides the readings.
So glad you received miracles from your experience.
Thank you, Punky. And thank you for sharing your tale also. More inspiration to keep me pushing forward.
What a great truth telling to us and yourself. I admire your courage and appreciate your share. I went thru a similar situation and spent 2 hours at acupuncture. I came to a realization that I disconnected from my heart to avoid fear. I’m doing major affirmations today.
So well written! I think we can often beat ourselves up when we slow down on commitments and experience those moments of stalling. But look at the results? Renewed strength and a new opportunity to serve which moves you towards your bliss.
Well done!
Great post, Day! It’s been many times through the course that my I’ve thought of an article that I read from a coach… It was called, “This Program Is Working So Well… So How Can I Screw It Up.” He talked about backsliding with physical training. Your insights as they apply to the inner world, though, are so insightful! Thanks for sharing this! Glad that you are feeling better and on track for a fantastic week!
amazing story.. I’m finding I am having a difficult time concentraing of some simple things and was getting worried about it. After reading this It has to be the blueprint fighting for survival.
thank you…thank you
Back on track and going strong. Congratulations!
WAY TO GO DAY!!!!! I KNEW you would do it!!
Day, what a cool story. I’m glad you are back on the mend and the epiphany served you so well. Notice how even in times of discouragement, we all get the opportunity to help others and raise all boats in the harbor, even our own. Emerson’s law of compensation right!
Thanks so much for sharing!! As for “late” (sounds like a red pencil thing…), I think it was perfect timing for me 🙂
And the fifth paragraph is the Blueprint Builder is satisfied one more time.