Deep down, don’t we all want to be great … to achieve the highest we’re capable of achieving, and then to go beyond?
In “The Spiritual Job Search”, an article on the website Creative Power of Thought, on Sept. 15, 2008, Kevin Kinchen gives a perfect example of a hero’s journey to achieving greatness in the form of Muhammad Ali.
“Recently I have been studying one of the great iconic figures of the twentieth century, Muhammad Ali, and came to realize that this was something he understood well and lived every day in his life. If you are a student of history, black history, or even boxing history, you should well know that long before the world came to acknowledge him as the ‘greatest of all time’ he consistently – and often to the chagrin of the world- proclaimed himself to be that. All that he was doing was faking it until he made it. In other words, Ali understood that in being in his own mind (or at least constantly trying to convince himself that this was true) that which he eventually wanted to become, he would initiate the thoughts consistent with this state of being, which would, in turn, lead to him doing actions that the greatest of all time would do, which would in turn lead to him having all that the greatest of all time would. He understood quite well the mechanics of manifestation, as evidenced by what he manifested in his own life pushing him in becoming the greatest of all time.”
In a powerful week of lessons, our Master Key Experience course reviewed Haanel’s part 20. It’s such great encouragement to keep our thoughts focused, to reach out and touch our own greatness. “Every time you think, you start a train of causation which will create a condition in strict accordance with the quality of the thought which originated it. Thought which is destructive, or discordant, will produce corresponding results. You may use thought constructively or destructively, but the immutable law will not allow you to plant a thought of one kind and reap the fruit of another. You are free to use this marvelous creative power as you will, but you must take the consequences. “ (20-28)
How can you apply this to achieve your dream? First, have a dream or some picture of how you want your future to look. Then, begin the process of building, in thought, what that will look like. Add some emotion, true desire, and a plan to get there, then you’re on your way.
How important is the thinking part? Haanel, in 20-27 explains, “We must ‘be’ before we can ‘do’ and we can ‘do’ only to the extent to which we ‘are’, and so what we do will necessarily coincide with what we ‘are’ and what we are depends upon what we ‘think.’”
“So, in your own life, if you are to have the life of your dreams, you must learn to be that which you want to eventually become right now,” Kinchen writes. “Therefore, if you eventually want to become, for example, the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, you must right now begin to present yourself to the world as if you already were the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, in terms of your overall self-presentation to the world of dress, speech, and manner. Projecting your future into the present will only have the effect of the world responding to you as that which you are projecting, and before you know it, the future will merge into your present reality.”
How will you take steps toward your own greatness? If you need some coaching, join us in the next class exploring the Master Key System by Haanel. Insert your email in the sidebar box and I’ll make sure you get the link for a $1 scholarship!
Great job of expressing manifestation!