Photo by Engin_Akyurt on Pixabay
Wait, success isn’t about how much toilet paper I can buy and stash away? Deep within, we know that’s not what success is all about.
In Lesson 23, Haanel defines success in this way. “The first law of success then is service, and this in turn is built on integrity and justice. The man who at least is not fair in his intention is simply ignorant; he has missed the fundamental law of all exchange; he is impossible; he will lose surely and certainly; he may not know it; he may think he is winning, but he is doomed to certain defeat. He cannot cheat the Infinite. “
Sounds like an explanation of Karma, perhaps? “The law of compensation will demand of him an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. “
Photo by Vivitoart on Pixabay
So, success looks more like how many rolls I can give to my neighbors because they truly are in immediate need. They may have issues either affording it or getting to a store to purchase it.
How do you take this idea of “service” to the next level. “We make money by making friends, and we enlarge our circle of friends by making money for them, by helping them, by being of service to them,” states Haanel. Challenge accepted! What ways do you think we can act in service today?
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